01 - Introduction
Effective May 25, 2018, the GDPR aims to protect and strengthen the privacy rights of European Union individuals through strict requirements for handling and processing personal data. All organizations who provide services to the EU or possess personal data of an EU citizen are subject to the GDPR.
Due to its activity António Galego & Filhos, Mármores S.A. must collect some personal data from its clients, complying with the GDPR laws, when they use our services or visit our site. António Galego & Filhos, Mármores S.A. have the right to change its Privacy Policy at any time, so we would suggest you consult it frequently.
02 - Personal data
Any data relating to an individual that could lead to the identification of that individual.
03 - Proof of consent
Your data will be collected and processed by António Galego & Filhos, Mármores S.A., corporation number 500 991 804, with head office at Rua Pascoal de Melo, N°3 - 3 A, Sala 1, 4° Piso, 1170-294 Lisboa., from now on referred as AGF. The data controller is the afore-mentioned hotel, according to the European Parliament law 2016/679 and the board meeting dated April 27, 2016, from now on referred as RGPD.
Under the RGPD, individuals have the right to request in writing that the controller delete all information about them and end further distribution of their personal data. (Right to Erasure or Right to be Forgotten).
To apply these rights just contact:
Telephone: + 351 268 400 110
Registered mail: Rua Pascoal de Melo, N°3 - 3 A, Sala 1, 4° Piso, 1170-294 Lisboa
E-mail: geral@agf-marmores.pt
04 - AGF commitments regarding personal data protection
Transparency and purpose: No personal data may be collected without your knowledge. AGF must inform you on the optional or mandatory nature of the information requested. We collect and process your personal data only for the purpose mentioned in the present contract and will inform you of the data receivers.
Pertinence: We will only collect the necessary personal data needed for the correct treatment of your request or proposed services.
Demand: We will only keep your personal data during the necessary period of time needed for its treatment.
Safety and Confidentiality: We promise to take the necessary steps to guarantee confidentiality of personal data and to avoid its spreading to non-authorized parties. In case of data transference to an authorized third party we will take the necessary steps to guarantee all possible safety while sharing that transference.
Respect for your rights: You will be informed of your accessibility rights, rectification and opposition to legislation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament, Board meeting of April 27, 2016, from now on here referred as RGPD. Information on the service to contact is mentioned on this document.
05 - Which personal data will be collected?
You may be asked to give your personal data when you make a reservation.
The mandatory or optional nature of the information requested is shown by an asterisk. Information with an asterisk is mandatory because it is essential for processing your request. All remainder information is just meant to better know you and improve the services to be provided. Therefore, it is optional.
Privately, we collect and process your name and e-mail.
We do not collect information on race, ethnic group, political affiliation, religious or philosophical creed, union affiliation, health details or sexual orientation.
06 - When will your personal data be collected?
Your personal data may be collected in diverse ways, in particular when:
07 - What are the purposes?
AGF collect the necessary personal data strictly for the following purposes:
08 - Sharing personal data
Personal data may be available for court purposes or qualified authorities, according to the law.
09 - Social Networks
We may add to our site some third party apps that allow us to share their contents in our site, or show other people’s opinions, namely in what concerns the “Share” or “Like “buttons in social networks like Facebook, Instagram, etc.
Social networks may identify you even if you do not use any of the above-mentioned buttons while navigating through our site. The app buttons allow the respective network to follow your navigation in our site if your account with the social network is active (open session).
We don’t have any control over the process used by social networks to collect information concerning your navigation through our site associated with the personal data that the networks have available. We suggest you look up the protection policy of those networks to find out the purpose of its use, mainly in what concerns advertising purposes. These network policies should allow the user to select the data protection he wants in each network.
Conflict resolution
In the event of a dispute, the consumer may resort to an Alternative Dispute Resolution Body: National Center for Consumer Conflict Information and Arbitration (CNIACC) - http://www.arbitragemdeconsumo.org - Tel. 213847484 (from 3:00 p.m. 16h). More information in Portal do Consumidor www.consumidor.pt